Maji Moto, known locally as Kikuletwa Hotsprings, is paradisiac oasis amidst the Tanzanian savannah, offers captivating, Bounty-styled views, crystal-clean water and dense vegetation around. Located in 2-hour drive from Moshi (Tanzania) – the main climbing hub of the region – Chemka Hot Springs is the best place to visit after a Kilimanjaro hike or a safari adventure.
Kikuletwa (chemka) Hot Spring - Request for a free quote, sent direct to your e-mail address
Starting from Moshi, you'll travel to the Kikuletwa Hot springs. These are natural pools of warm, clear water that feel really nice to soak in. You'll have a chance to swim and chill out in the pools, surrounded by beautiful scenery. It's like a hidden oasis where you can unwind, enjoy the water, and have a great time with friends or family. After your refreshing dip, you'll head back to Moshi. It's a simple and delightful adventure that gives you a break from your regular routine!
Kikuletwa (chemka) Hot Spring - Request for a free quote, sent direct to your e-mail address
Kikuletwa (chemka) Hot Spring
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